Thursday, May 13, 2004

spankin' new

wow! dig the new layout! :) created for yours truly by a friend. coolness, hehe. anyway, the main thingamajigs are in place but some of the images like for the fanlistings and stuff don't come out all the time yet so i'll have to get back to that one of theses days and fix it for good. the sidebars and navigations are a bit lopsided... and it's irritating me (all those hanging sentences and stuff) but i really have no time to fix it right now. in a few days, maybe :) but none the less, a ton of thanks to that friend who pestered... erm, oops i mean, inspired me to get a change of layout ;p


school sucks. actually, i suck. my school doesn't.


on two occasions, i rode the same tricycle to and fro school. what's so special about that? well, this particular trike unit made a distinct impression on me because of the anecdotes and "biblical passages" written around its interior in spidery yet humble writing. here are some of them, VERBATIM, if i may add :)

"The Lord is my shipperd, I shall not one."

"For God so loved the world, He gave us His only sun. - JHON 3:16"

Hmmm... kindof reminds of the words Shepherd, Want, Son and... oh yeah, the name John ;)


tralalalalalalaaaa... bleurgh.

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