Sunday, October 09, 2005

at last...

on loop: drive ~ audioslave

... i'm finally leaving!

it's at 6am tomorrow, and i can't wait :) won't be gone long but i'm not sure when i'll be able to blog again, but i will as soon as i can.


on a side note, i've been feeling eerie about things lately... some dark ominous feeling that's nagging me from the back of my head. *shudder* anyway, please pray that we'd have a safe trip :) keep safe as well, and for my friends with some final exams to get over with, kaya 'yan! lapit na sembreak (and graduation! hehe), hang on. see you again soon.


Anonymous said...

I MISS YOU TOOOOOO! anyway my pc is an 'open proxy for spam' daw so i'm not allowed to comment on livejournal :( keep safe too... and we ALL better go next time :)

imo said...

That sounds ominous. :O You'll be in my prayers.

Have fun! :)

Hyannah said...

thanks imo :) turns out i was just having an anxiety attack hehe.