Sunday, August 07, 2005


on loop: i wonder ~ diffuser

after the really rotten week i had last week, i'm actually feeling better hehe. good for me :) now all i need is a phone and a sim.

last friday night, i got home a bit past 2 already and woke up with a slight fever. had to go to school yesterday morning and i didn't tell my dad i was sick 'coz he wouldn't let me out that night if he knew hehe. biogesic, decolgen and dolfenal works ;p tulog lang kailangan hehe.

anyway, got home around 3 already last night. we made our own bailey's... panalo! and chicken cordon bleu din... winner rin. practice makes perfect hehe.

bea's birthday is fast approaching... we're excited por yu ;p

i'm also going to receive a bottle of perfume from my job before... it's part of the rewards Dell computers offer to their agents (DHS Contest Zone). it's a Bvlgari Eau Parfumee Au The Blanc ;p fancy name no? sana mabango hehe.

thanks to everyone who gave me their numbers via YM and email. will text you as soon as i have a new number :)

also, advanced happy birthday, mel (liszy in ateneo ;p)! wish you the best and may you kick a*s in france! goodluck and keep safe on your trip... i'm proud of you.
2 more midterms to go: an exam for math and a baby thesis for socio. plus a couple more major papers for the others.

by the way, i'll be going on a short and temporary hiatus from blogging. i'm guessing that the next week or two is gonna be an imowshonal rollercoaster for me so i don't want to vent here, it's too public and people who aren't supoosed to read it, just might. so bye for now :) have a happy rainy august!


Anonymous said...

thats d bvlgari white, mbango yan ;) text me your new mobile ha. goodluck and come back soon from your blog break =)

Hyannah said...

ah talaga? hehe buti naman.. had a hard time deciding what to get din eh. yup text kita, ingat :)

imo said...

Hey, Hyannah, what's up?

Looks like I caught you just as you were going on a hiatus.

Good luck with your papers and stuff, see ya when you get back! :)

Anonymous said...

oooh bvulgari... nice! i'm sure mabango un. goodluck on your midterms and papers.

Hyannah said...

imo! wow so glad to hear from you :) how are you? been a long time. hehe. liz, thanks :) sana nga mabango and ka-generation natin yung scent ;p hehe jk.