Tuesday, February 08, 2005

eindow shyaping

window shyaping

on loop: suntok sa buwan ~ session road

i was at robinson's galleria yesterday with a friend from work. we were just roaming around, window shopping and i saw so many things i wanted to buy! how sad... i wish i had more money to spare hehe. evrything's on sale... but even if they are, they still seem expensive to me. i remember a time when i wouldn't have given a second thought about price tags. i was an idiot then... and a spoiled one at that. i never really realized the value of hard-earned money. i somehow felt like for as long my parents were around, money would come by easily. damn, how dumb. anyway, i just wanted to share some of the things that i saw, but sadly did not conquer (ehehe ang corny). this frivolous post should be able to somehow make up for the terribly negative post i put in yesterday ehehe.

first off, i saw two pairs of sandals in naf naf. they were perfect! i've been looking around so long for just the right pair(s), and there they were all this time. one of them's even on 50-off. rarr. next off, i saw a new line of water lily scents in marks and spencer. their water lily scent is my beri peyborit scent and they now have it in talcum powder! haha how shallow, but i really wanted it. then when i got to dorothy perkins, wow everything was great! i wanted to buy out the whole store. then we went to this guy shoe shop, pab der uomo something and i saw a pair that my dad would love but it costs 7 grand. yikes. would've loved to get him that as a gift but... ehe. money talks and right now, i'm pretty mute hehehe.

then upstairs (we literally combed the entire mall hehe), i saw this really nice basketball clock over at gary lising's novelty shop or something like that. it was ony 200 bucks over at the greenhills tiangge when i first saw it but now it's worth over a hundred fifty bucks. rip-off... but a really nice one at that. there was also a sale on sandals over at people are people, nice pieces but not very low-key if you know what i mean. somewhat outrageous when it came to the patterns on the gems it had if i may so, good for going out probably... and very elegant, actually. and the last thing that i really really really really (to the nth power) wanted to buy was the ultra slim phillips dvd player that i saw. it was full of features that even i couldn't remember anymore plus it looked awesome. they give discounts for cash payments so i'd most probably pay it off with my salary. it's around 6 grand but there's a cheaper one, and it's a samsung anyway, for a thou less...

i saw so many things i wanted to buy, plus so many shops i wish i could shop in. ahahay. how sad. got depressed actually hehe :) but that's all right. hopefully, in time, i would be able to go get some of the things i really liked. i could start with the cheap clock then maybe a shirt from dorothy perkins. then move on to the sandals over at naf naf then to the powder over at m&s. as they say, working oneself up. next thing i know, i'll be going home with the dvd player safely and snugly tucked under my arm, ready to be used over at home. hehehe. i told my dad about it and he told me that every one really does get they're meant to go. but it's always so much better to go slowly but surely than go and be all fast and furious... you never know when you might mess up and break your neck or something. break a leg na lang. hehe ang baduy. anyway, amen to that.

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