Thursday, January 22, 2004


i've got a new weblog! it may not be the most visually competent of all, but i put it together, so i still love it. haha. i've been on my upsaid account for the longest time and i know that i'll miss it, but i'd have to eventually (though gradually) let that one go and stick to this one. th ereason i transferred here is that i felt like it was time for me to try having an actual layout aside from those ready-made (and somehow, pretty plain and blah) templates. don't get me wrong, i loved my upsaid template and i've actually put in a lot of work there to make it more lively, but i did feel the need to have a VISUAL lay out (you know, with images and all).

i'm not that html savvy yet to try and produce my OWN layout so instead, i took after my friend, andrea's advice and had one of the really pretty layouts from blogfrocks (very user-friendly, especially to techie-dunces like me :D) and here it is. it's called "imagination" and it appealed to me the most among all the endlessy pretty choices there were. i'll have to touch it up in time and somehow find a way to lower the text area of the blog so that the first entry won't be overlapping with the heading image (did you notice it? irritating :*). so thanks, andrea, for jumpstarting my new blog! i've been meaning to put up a new one (as evidenced by my previous entries which came from as far as a year back or so), and now i have. we'll all be watching out for YOUR own new blog *wink*.

i'd love to tinker away here and make this into the best it can be but it's currently my "hell-week" and i actually have no idea what the heck i'm trying to accomplish coming up with a blogsite when there are about 4 long exams, 2 group reports, and 2 papers lined up for me in the next few days. sigh. oh well, that's life. i don't have a message board just yet or a comments page or a guestbook at that but i'll that up in time :) so see you again (in case you wandered in here by sheer foolishness or something hehe). well.. off i go.

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