Monday, November 07, 2005

eoow neow *british accent kunware*

eoow neow (oh no) *british accent kunware*

on loop: my humps ~ black eyed peas

shyaks. pasukan nanaman. owell. the sooner i get it all over with, the better. hope everything turns out allright.

had my final hurrah last saturday... road trip! super fun :)

pero may final hurrah part 2 kanina... fun din hehe. it's always great to be with the people you love. i feel so blessed, even if i was a bit nauseous in the car while going home. had to shut up and sleep hehe. sorry bout that!

"ratonsito" said something like: when the time comes that it's right for you to just let it go, you would know it with a certain level of clarity in your mind. and it would be through a state of catatonia, i suppose? since it seems like you would hardly feel the token anger, hurt, pain, or regret. sad to say, but i'm getting there. i think it would be better for me to just say goodbye, than stick around for things (of which i was (we were) once so certain of) that may have changed already over the course of time. change really is the only constant thing in this world. i don't even feel depressed or what-not, it just dawned on me as something that's part of the natural course of things. kinda hazy right now, clear it up next time :) for now, just chalk it up to the old board of experience, i guess.

got home, and no one's here. what was here was hot pot of steaming sinigang... yum! ayos hehe :) lifted my spirits and helped me lose the nausea! hehe astig.

school again. school again. school again. oh the years.


Anonymous said...

"anong name ulit ng street sa sesami strit? -hyan" wahahahahahahahaha BAWAHA HEHEHEHE hihihihihi hoho HA!

Anonymous said...

hyannah... basahin mo tags ko.. BILIS!:)
